Something to enlight your eyes
The STALA first began with an idea—to utilize Detroit’s automotive-production capacity in an innovative way: to deliver to market a non-automotive product that could set an example for future product design, fabrication, and delivery. Design Think Tank’s (DTT) approach would utilize common methods in vehicle production, allowing us to maximize cost-effectiveness and the potential to improve our product. This is how the Stala Lite was developed, an architectural, illuminating piece that was placed inside the suburbs of Detroit as a symbol, which represents one of the main economic activities of the city and the illumination through a lamp that emits light. The Stala was placed in moments in which the city went through complicated social situations.
1. STALA Universe
2. STALA Infinite
2. STALA Art Price
4. DETROIT Stay Classy :: The black tie project ::
In September 2014 after six months of intense production with the Detroit Community, we shared 5000+ Ties through out the city. WE could not resist to collaborate and support my friend Michael Lapp IG @mike_lapp with this incredible idea to spread the #detroitstayclassy moto and produce a massive Art Statement.